I run through from start to finish how to add a common gulp task into the default Pattern Lab Node Gulp Edition
Read the article over on Smashing Magazine
Learn to apply atomic design principles and build design systems with Pattern Lab
A small month packed with big & unexpected surprises.
More than meets the eye. This minor version ships with configurable paths and is structured to be better consumed as a true npm dependency.
I review my first month of open-sourced goals, inspired by Una Kravets.
The big 1.0, signifying significant maturity of the project
Find out how Pattern Lab is useful even as a UX/UI team of one
Pattern Parameters!
Some frontend improvements to the style guide
A roundup of the style tiles used for initial visual direction on the redesign
Hey, semver is cool
A content-first breakdown of what is important on the site
THE how-to for Pattern Lab + Jekyll site design and development
A short performance checkup to come back to later
The mothership post for the open redesign of my site. Check back often?
Pattern Lineage
Roydan was kind enough to let me talk about improving performance on Roydan.com
Here be updates and new stuff
Travis CI support lands in Pattern Lab Node, allowing automatic integration tests on PRs and merges
Some thoughts after a public conversation on Pattern Lab
A cautionary tale... ye be warned!
An imperfect analogy. Writing this summary now years ahead - I take parenting far more seriously. Interesting to read this post through a different lens