With Pattern Lab 2 released, you can now integrate with the core Pattern Lab library via Editions. These pre-canned project configurations are meant to be consumed, riffed off of, and made your own: unique to each project or team’s workflow.

At the Atomic Design / Pattern Lab Workshop at WebDesignDay, one attendee asked how to integrate Sass compilation into the off-the-shelf gulp edition.

History: Pattern Lab Node has for a while now not shipped any .scss files. Making decisions like this in a design system tool as configurable as Pattern Lab only boxes in users and makes it harder for them to work their own way.

With Editions, Pattern Lab becomes, as Dave Olsen put it, “just another task.” This means integration with a tool like sass is no different than integration you’d encounter elsewhere. This example is applicable to all sorts of tasks you might want to integrate as part of your toolchain. Let’s get started.

Adding Sass Compilation

The code we’ll be augmenting is within gulpfile.js. The gulp tasks are organized into three big chunks:

We will be adding to and editing the copy tasks.

To add sass compilation capabilities, you must first include the gulp-sass library from npm. From a command prompt open to the root of your edition:

bash npm install gulp-sass

Once this completes, add the gulp-sass library via a require statement at the top of the gulpfile:

javascript var gulp = require('gulp'), path = require('path'), browserSync = require('browser-sync').create(), sass = require('gulp-sass'), argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2));

With sass included, we turn our attention to getting the .scss files compiled. For the sake of the demo I’ll be assuming you store the .scss files alongside .css files inside ./source/css/. Our sass task will compile the .scss from this location back into this location so the existing css copy task picks it up.

javascript // SASS Compilation gulp.task('pl-sass', function(){ return gulp.src(path.resolve(paths().source.css, '**/*.scss')) .pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError)) .pipe(gulp.dest(path.resolve(paths().source.css))); });

Note: Read more about Gulp Sass configuration at its Github repository.

You can test the task from the command line:

bash gulp pl-sass

Another Note: I namespace most tasks with pl- in an attempt to avoid naming conflicts.

If everything is setup right - we see the scss compile into css. We are not done yet, however. We need to integrate our pl-sass task into the main toolchain. Critically, sass compilation needs to occur before copy of the css. Let’s look at the pl-assets task:

javascript gulp.task('pl-assets', gulp.series( gulp.parallel( 'pl-copy:js', 'pl-copy:img', 'pl-copy:favicon', 'pl-copy:font', 'pl-copy:css', 'pl-copy:styleguide', 'pl-copy:styleguide-css' ), function(done){ done(); }) );

This task uses the new gulp 4.X syntax to clearly define what tasks must run in sequential order (series) versus in parallel. This task reads in plain English as: When I’m told to run pl-assets, first run all the pl-copy tasks in whichever order you like, and then tell the caller when I’m done.

Something you might notice from the example is that gulp.series() and gulp.parallel() calls are “nestable.” Armed with that knowledge, we augment the task as follows:

javascript gulp.task('pl-assets', gulp.series( gulp.parallel( 'pl-copy:js', 'pl-copy:img', 'pl-copy:favicon', 'pl-copy:font', gulp.series('pl-sass', 'pl-copy:css', function(done){done();}), 'pl-copy:styleguide', 'pl-copy:styleguide-css' ), function(done){ done(); }) );

We’ve now ensured that pl-sass is called before pl-copy:css - while maintaining as much asynchronous processing as possible. We can test pl-assets individually if we like. Or since it’s included in the patternlab:build task, we know the task will run with existing Pattern Lab commands.

The last thing we have to do is still gulp to re-run our pl-sass task after every .scss file change. Add the following to the watch() function:

javascript gulp.watch(path.resolve(paths().source.css, '**/*.scss')).on('change', gulp.series('pl-sass'));

With this in place the entire build chain will fire every time you save a sass file.

For simplicity’s sake, the complete altered gulpfile can be found here: https://gist.github.com/bmuenzenmeyer/7a6ec54dc1ea720a61497a75ea88e3b4 and is current as of Edition Node Gulp ~1.3.0

I hope that this short post demystifies what it takes to grab a copy of Pattern Lab 2 and hack it up! We’ve spent a lot of time making an ecosystem that is flexible, extensible, and ready for you and your teams to make it your own.

And as always, please give us feedback, no matter how small. Spot a typo in the docs, or this post, or think a feature would be killer? Let us know.

Originally posted 07/21/16 - Brian Muenzenmeyer - Follow me on Twitter